Wednesday, May 11, 2016

KATHY Anna Shoes

Joey Arnold 2016-05 11 Wed 3:40 PM MDNH HCM

Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Thi Vo, I did not enjoy giving massages to them because I felt I was becoming a slave, that I was losing myself, that I was going to be stuck there forever, and that I was going to become some kind of robot puppet drone sex slave someday and I felt like I was starting to fall in love with Zizi and I was scared because I felt that I could not have a real relationship with Zizi and that was a very confusing thing and so I tried to get Zizi out of my head but then Zizi was sleeping next to me at night and was always asking for a massage from me and asked me to take her to the USA and was always asking me for money and I was beginning to like her for different reasons but I was also dissatisfied with her limited perspective or her take on morality or lack thereof and her love for money over people it seems and it seems that all these things were at conflict with each other like a tale of two cities
Romelus Saladar Rick Arnold Marilyn Mitchell
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Thảo Thỏ
Thảo Thỏ Joey. I will re—married at 2017.
With a Vietnam men but was born and living at Australia still now
His mother is my mother's highschool—oldfriend.
They know i have children and they accepted it.
I'm plaining to home Thailand to choice baby_sexual is a girl. Vietnam do not accepted people to choice babysexual but Australia and Thailand both ok with that.
Cause he have two site and one brother. So if i don't want to have more son is not meaning to him.

And Joey. That's mean i wanna said with you : i can't comeback.

You do not own anything with Vietnam. But Vietnam now is look so dangerous with you
You don't have a children is Vietnamese or a half Vietnamese
And you parent like i know are 100 percent American. And you al brother and site too.
You don't have a small—familly (wife and children, or children), or friend (like Thiên Ân familly) but they was you friend before that why "they just talk"
Some people outside is not good like them—they can kill you to stole you camera and after run away. And nobody see that. People ave busy to live a life, i hope you to understand.

Like some friend talk to me. Crystal is tried to deal with you she bill buy for you a ticket to come back. But you ave don't accepted.
Pls accepted Joey.
I know you was confused to live with you dad or mom. Cause your parent both Get married again. Your mother have live buy now money. Your father have money buy not live
And you need both
Bealive me Joey. Crytall is save like you. Cause you and she have the save blood, same parent too.

I hear Thiên Ân said you are now living in 23/9 Park and i'm feel so hurt. But i can take you to my home beacause my mother don't want to. She said to me if i come to you She will list heo promise with her gf. And my son She will not keep protect.

Come home Joey. Let Crystal help you. Let Crytal protect you.
Do not choice the live of homeless. Pls...
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold This is not about me. I am not asking people to take care of me. But I am talking about justice and morality and logic and principles that can make our lives better. Anna has my home videos.
Joey Arnold
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