Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Anna Kicked Me Out 2016-04-12 Tue morning.

Joey Arnold writtern at 2016-05-11 Wed 11:33 AM MDNH HCM JSA
Anna kicked me out of her house on Tuesday, the 12th of April 2016. She said she was going to let me come in that night. That night, I called her but she did not answer because she changed her mind & got mad at me later that day in the afternoon and evening. She gets mad at me and everybody sometimes or daily in the afternoon when she gets too hot and people who know her know she has problems with her head due to a motorbike accident that happened when she was a teenager when she was about 16 years old. She has temper tantrums and she is a perpetual liar. She has a habit of deception and other bad things. She does whatever makes her happy without thinking about logic or morality or perspective or anything that is even a bit less selfish.
2016-04-12 Tue 1 PM APN PN HCM JSA
Kicked Out of Anna's House

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