I fixed my computer after about 11 PM Friday night. Before that, I was using a live USB instead of a CD or DVD, with Ubuntu Mate 16.04, & it activated my Broadcom wireless driver.
But my wifi wouldn't work after installing the Mate operating system (OS) onto my laptop, onto the internal hard drive. I have been spending the past few days trying to fix this problem. I went to websites & read things & tried downloading & installing drivers that should activate my driver or device which controls wireless management. It controls the WIFI OR INTERNET. Today, I ended up going into my USB or flash card & I started installing or activating the programs there onto my computer. I had to install each program in the right order because each one depended on other programs & they would tell me. It's like a TETRIS puzzle or brain game. You have to arrange everything in the right order. It's also like a maze. It's kind of sad that they are not automatically installed when the operating system is being installed. In other words, it should have been installed with the rest of the files & programs. Maybe not because most of them are third party or proprietary as in other companies make the programs & the main company may not be allowed or shouldn't legally or ethically or practically install them all together.
You got to know a lot of computer stuff to get what I'm saying. I've been taking apart & fixing computers since about 1998 when I was 13 years old. Now, I've already turned 31 years old this year, 2016, & I've ran into so many PC problems & I'm always learning. I installed drivers until my WIFI DEVICE started working. Then I was able to connect ONLINE. Everything I needed was already in my laptop or in a flash card in the operating system directory (folders). I kind of knew this since I did things like this before but you never know sometimes. Always learn & share it with others.....
Joey Arnold Oatmeal 2016-05-21 Sat 2 AM AC HCM
Mobile 0168-478-5542