Monday, April 11, 2016

Ducks No Quack...

Don't talk because these ducks no quack. They may quack with each other but I'm not allowed, apparently, to participate without being labelled as angry and as crazy. When I began to quack, they say I'm barking like a dog.
I want to ask questions & understand things but they are like robots and cannot communicate and cannot be honest enough and refuse to talk about things. Why put the keyboard on the ironing board? There is no answer to this. Why not put something in that empty spot on the self? I give them things but they ignore them. They talk about what they give me and say as if I never do things in return. But compensation are not required for gifts.
I pray I can bite my tongue more I guess and become a robot around most people who are like this most of the time. I want to be more sophisticated and reason things out and get to the heart of the matter of issues and things of all kinds for clarification and for fun and because it is trivial and educational and it could be efficient and effective and productive in the long run to know more and to improve and develop and change things up and prevent things from getting worse by thinking things through and stuff.
But I am praying now more than before to simply say as little as I can to people in many different situations because that seems to be the lesser of two evils. It seems that when I talk, they do not listen and my words does more harm than good to them. It is sad because my words are good I think, and I am reasonable I think, but they deem it unreasonable and call me crazy.
I was born in 1985, February 11, Monday, in Forest Grove Oregon USA, and now it is 2016, April 12, Tuesday, in Vietnam, and I have been talking for like 31 years or so and I always try to help and stuff when I talk but peope think I am trying to kill and hurt when I talk.
Insanity is when you do the same things over and over again.
So, God, I pray, help me talk less and to simply follow directions people give me and to be simple around them. Maybe, I can write down my questions and concerns and my feelings and the problems and the issues and things they need to know and other things down somewhere online or offline and maybe I can talk to them about it someday later but not in the heat of the battle as it seems not to register in their heads that I am trying to help.
They say I talk too much. So, I need to not talk so much. I will try more and more to talk less and simply be like a robot puppet clone thing that is simple and brainless and dumb around people to some extent.
I don't know how much I can take of it and I don't know how much or how often I can not talk and not think and ask questions and stuff. It is so hard but I will try harder and pray more and stuff because it might be better for the sake of humanity and society and everything.
I don't like writing what I am writing and admitting but I think it is true.
Many people can say I am bad and mad and crazy and angry and like to argue and all these bad things, and maybe some good things too, but mostly bad things, and it is so hard in life for me because I am doing things to help people.
When I talk a lot, I am not angry and I care and my emotions are in check and my head is not hot and I am calm but stern and I may raise my voice from time to time to emphasize words and say things with passion and persuasion so people can remember it like I am a preacher or something for years to come and that is good and I hope for these things and all.
So, there are reasons and stuff behind what I do but people don't want to take the time to understand things and people judge books and souls by the covers there as they can see it but there is proof in the putting or pudding and there is always more than what meets the eye and I will do what I can to help people.
But I pray to be more teachable and more of a servant for people and more flexible to an extent and able to learn and able to adjust to the needs of others and to find ways to do things better and talk better and think better and faster and cooler and to fight less and to know when to talk and when not to talk and it is so hard.
I want to talk so much but people hate it and people think I am crazy and angry and stuff and they don't want to listen and I am only trying to have a dialog which can help us learn and stuff..... but I got to maybe....

Zip my lip as much as I can....



2016-04-12 Tue 7 AM APN HCM
Joey Arnold

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